I was so excited about our day out at the park that I paid close attention to Steve Pool the weather man on the 11 o'clock news to see when I could ruin us again soon. What's that? Thursday will be sunny and close to 60? Lovely! It's a perfect time to grab a quick lunch at mickey d's and drive North to Bellevue and hit a place we haven't been in ages. I don't think Ella's ever been and Breckin couldn't remember it at all. And that kid remembers everything. I wasn't sure if the animals would be out cause, after all, it was January but we brought our heavy jackets (lesson learned from yesterday) and arrived at Kelsey Creek Farm shortly after 1 pm. It was overcast and 45. Degrees. Not sunny OR 60. In fact it was downright cold. I had two jackets on and thank goodness I have random snow hats in my car cause I drive around prepared like that.
Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment or my memory is so bad that I forget how wrecked we were the day before. Cause we really just did the same thing to ourselves all over again. But, man, it was fun. Breckin chased the ducks. We swang and climbed through mazes and played in a little house and see sawed at the park. Ella mooed at the cows. Breckin pointed out the rabbit poop. The pig oinked at all of us. We walked up and down and up and down the hills between animal fields and Breckin asked if he could run down and back up the hill one more time before we left the cow pasture. Sure, why not? No, buddy, you can't get good exercise and run up a hill..... I don't think so. Run away, kiddo, run away. Ella said moo to the cows, neigh to the horses, baa to the sheep, and sniffed at the rabbits. She was a farm expert. The highlight of the day according to Breckin? A small amphitheater with a basic stage and some metal benches in the side of a hill. He put on a show for us then we put on a show together for the horses then Ella got frustrated with the woodchips on the stage and tried to take them all off carefully. She may or may not have tried to eat some.

It was 3:00. Hmm. Do we see if we can pick up Daddy from work early? Fat chance since he was hoping to work late and have us come get him so he could skip the vanpool. I needed to go to PinkBella cupcakes anyway and scope them out for an upcoming baby shower... Do the kids have it in them to eat a cupcake and hang out at the boats? Could we make it last until it was time for Daddy to really leave work and he could just ride with us? Oh why the hell not. I love exhausted demon children at dinner time. I mean, I must. Why else would I run them ragged and feed them straight sugar.
Cupcakes. Check. (and AWEsome, by the way! Mmmmm coconut.) Play at the boats. Check. Peek at the See Kai Run shoes at Bump cause I still have a $35 gift card that I can never seem to spend. Check. Quick $8 detour through Lego store to give Daddy ten more minutes at work. Check. Drive home with maniac screaming Ella who doesn't want her binkie but wants her binkie and jabberjaws Breckin who wants to talk about his amazing day. Check. Have all intentions in the world to make a quick dinner- even if it's cereal but give in to the idea of Taco Bell/KFC when it starts to take an hour to get home. Check.
Crazy ass day #2 done and Friday will consist of tucking ourselves in at home, playing board games, finishing the laundry I started on Tuesday, and chilling out. And not complaining about the rainy day.
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