and, at first glance, I don't love any of the girly bedding that I've seen. Anyone have an idea to share? I think I'm just going to have to hit the stores and see them in person. Everything looks muted and blah online.
But, YAY, it's a girl!!!! :)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
For Those of You Keeping Track at Home
my appt was great last week. The fetal heart rate is 150 bpm (I have no idea what range that falls in) but my ob said, according to old wives' tales, that is a boy's heart rate. Take from that what you will cause if there's anything I've learned with my previous pregnancy, it's that my babies don't do things by the books. Everyone under the sun has told me that my belly looks like a baby girl- from the nice nurse at the ob office to various coworkers- some who see me every day to some who see me only when they have a payroll problem- to ladies in the grocery store to my loveliest neighbors. At this point, if they find boy bits on that ultrasound screen, I may not actually believe them because I've been so brainwashed to believe that this is a girl.
Now, here's your fair warning: My ultrasound to figure this baby bump out is on July 2nd. I may or may not reveal the results the very minute I get that cold goo off my belly. Who knows, Dustin and I may wait a week or a month to tell. Depends on how much we can keep secret. See that little thing over there on the right? Vote! I want to know what you think and I want plenty of people to have "ha ha I was right" bragging rights. I know, still no photos. I'll get there. For those of you who haven't seen me yet but knew me during the Breckin pregnancy, my belly is so much huger than that one!!! CRAZY!
Now, here's your fair warning: My ultrasound to figure this baby bump out is on July 2nd. I may or may not reveal the results the very minute I get that cold goo off my belly. Who knows, Dustin and I may wait a week or a month to tell. Depends on how much we can keep secret. See that little thing over there on the right? Vote! I want to know what you think and I want plenty of people to have "ha ha I was right" bragging rights. I know, still no photos. I'll get there. For those of you who haven't seen me yet but knew me during the Breckin pregnancy, my belly is so much huger than that one!!! CRAZY!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I know, I know.
Look at that. We managed to not post even one meager little blog post in the month of May. And, here's why. Dustin (aka the coolest husband in the galaxy) is making me some built-in wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookshelves in the downstairs office. But, to do that, we had to clear out the office completely, pack up all my craft stuff upstairs, and generally make a tornado happen in our house. That means I don't have access to the digital camera photo uploader at home and feel bad posting without photos attached. Looks like I'm going to have to get over that, huh?
So, here we go: A Month of May Recap.
Our little Breckin turned the big 4 years old on May 11th and we couldn't stick to just one party. Noooooo- we had to have three. One for the people his size, one for the people our size, and one "calm" event with just me and Breckin and Daddy. Mostly I just like throwing parties and will have as many as the current excuse allows. They all went extremely well and as much as Breckin was adamant about staying 3, he welcomed 4 with open arms. We've had a few days where he says "I don't want to be 4 anymore, I just want to be 3 today." Which reminds me of the best thing I've ever heard about birthdays: "Don't forget that when you turn 30, you don't leave the previous birthdays behind. You are also still 2 and 3 and 15 and 21 and can act those ages at any given moment." True, right?!?!?
We had a fantastic turnout at our neighborhood Arbors' Annual Memorial Day Block Party. The usual suspects were there along with the newest additions to the 'hood. We, of course, included all of the essential block party activities: bbq'd, played with water balloons (thanks, Matt for your slingshots), rode bikes, basketball, chalk, sat in camp chairs until someone heard crying and asked a bigger kid to go check on the little kids, ate and ate and ate.
Let's not talk about kickball. Yep, we've been playing.... er, showing up and pretending to play but until the month of June, we were trying to replicate the infamous UW Football record. We officially ended the season at 1-7- even we couldn't be as bad as the Huskies!!! It's not for lack of effort. I think Hey That's My Bike is better suited for Rock Band.
My pregnancy brain has kicked in and I can't remember anything else from May. Please comment and add whatever I forgot. Hope pics can be added soon. Also, the lack of digital camera hookup is the reason for no pics on facebook, either. Sorry gang!
I'll try to be better in June. P.S. Next week is my 17 week checkup and we get to schedule the "big" ultrasound. Stay tuned for those results....
So, here we go: A Month of May Recap.
Our little Breckin turned the big 4 years old on May 11th and we couldn't stick to just one party. Noooooo- we had to have three. One for the people his size, one for the people our size, and one "calm" event with just me and Breckin and Daddy. Mostly I just like throwing parties and will have as many as the current excuse allows. They all went extremely well and as much as Breckin was adamant about staying 3, he welcomed 4 with open arms. We've had a few days where he says "I don't want to be 4 anymore, I just want to be 3 today." Which reminds me of the best thing I've ever heard about birthdays: "Don't forget that when you turn 30, you don't leave the previous birthdays behind. You are also still 2 and 3 and 15 and 21 and can act those ages at any given moment." True, right?!?!?
We had a fantastic turnout at our neighborhood Arbors' Annual Memorial Day Block Party. The usual suspects were there along with the newest additions to the 'hood. We, of course, included all of the essential block party activities: bbq'd, played with water balloons (thanks, Matt for your slingshots), rode bikes, basketball, chalk, sat in camp chairs until someone heard crying and asked a bigger kid to go check on the little kids, ate and ate and ate.
Let's not talk about kickball. Yep, we've been playing.... er, showing up and pretending to play but until the month of June, we were trying to replicate the infamous UW Football record. We officially ended the season at 1-7- even we couldn't be as bad as the Huskies!!! It's not for lack of effort. I think Hey That's My Bike is better suited for Rock Band.
My pregnancy brain has kicked in and I can't remember anything else from May. Please comment and add whatever I forgot. Hope pics can be added soon. Also, the lack of digital camera hookup is the reason for no pics on facebook, either. Sorry gang!
I'll try to be better in June. P.S. Next week is my 17 week checkup and we get to schedule the "big" ultrasound. Stay tuned for those results....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My feeble attempt
Ok, Melain. The best video of this on youtube had a "embedding disabled" thing next to it but it did have a url link. So, that's the best I've got. Here's the link to the inspiration for our blog name. True that- double true! You can always talk to Dustin about other Lonely Island videos and songs.... he loves them. This one is still my fav.
Hope this works. I suck at technology.
Hope this works. I suck at technology.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Pay It Forward
There is this blog game going around called"Pay it forward". This is how it works: The FIRST THREE people to leave a comment on this post will receive at some point during this year a gift from ME. What it will be and when it will arrive will be a total surprise. The CATCH is that YOU MUST PLAY TOO! Before you leave your comment here, write a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going (you can cut and paste these instructions). Then come back and let me know that you are going to play, and sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The tides have turned....
What was flow, is now ebb. What was black, is now white. What was up, is now down. The world officially stood on it's head last night. Breckin has a new found fear of the dark. Not the dark in his room, mind you, but the dark outside his window. I think all the scooby-doo shows before bedtime finally caught up with him and if those pesky kids would come along and solve his fear, I'd be much happier. He was done with bathtime, books, and seventeen rounds of hugs and kisses by 8:30 but around 9:30- after several "Mommy, I'm scared" tuck-in and reassurances, here's the conversation we had....
Me: Buddy, it's time to fall asleep. You have your rocket ship night light and your airplane lamp on, it's not even close to dark in here. It's ok- Mommy and Daddy are right here.
Breckin: But, I'm scared of the dark.
Me: I know, sweetie, it's ok. I was scared of the dark, too. As soon as you fall asleep, you won't be scared anymore. Look, you have your good night friends taking care of you.
Breckin: Ok.
I start to creep out the door.
Breckin: Mommy, I'm still scared of the dark.
Me: Buddy, just try to close your eyes and fall asleep.
Breckin: But I'm really scared of the dark. I need my Daddy.
That was it. For those of you who are wondering what the big deal is- it's right there. I need my Daddy. Anytime Breckin gets a boo-boo, is scared, doesn't want to do something- he runs to Mommy. I tried my best to conquer his fear and all he wanted was Daddy. I thought I'd known happiness when he wanted me but it doesn't compare to the happiness I saw on Dustin's face when all Breckin wanted was his Daddy. And, sure enough- Dustin goes in there for 5 minutes and Breckin is asleep, happy, and not scared anymore. The tides have turned. Yeeeee Haawwwww!!!!
Me: Buddy, it's time to fall asleep. You have your rocket ship night light and your airplane lamp on, it's not even close to dark in here. It's ok- Mommy and Daddy are right here.
Breckin: But, I'm scared of the dark.
Me: I know, sweetie, it's ok. I was scared of the dark, too. As soon as you fall asleep, you won't be scared anymore. Look, you have your good night friends taking care of you.
Breckin: Ok.
I start to creep out the door.
Breckin: Mommy, I'm still scared of the dark.
Me: Buddy, just try to close your eyes and fall asleep.
Breckin: But I'm really scared of the dark. I need my Daddy.
That was it. For those of you who are wondering what the big deal is- it's right there. I need my Daddy. Anytime Breckin gets a boo-boo, is scared, doesn't want to do something- he runs to Mommy. I tried my best to conquer his fear and all he wanted was Daddy. I thought I'd known happiness when he wanted me but it doesn't compare to the happiness I saw on Dustin's face when all Breckin wanted was his Daddy. And, sure enough- Dustin goes in there for 5 minutes and Breckin is asleep, happy, and not scared anymore. The tides have turned. Yeeeee Haawwwww!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I'm blaming kickball
Alright, what is the deal? We get half way through kickball and Breckin comes down with a fever. One minute he was playing on the slides at the best park in town, the next he's in my lap almost asleep. Seriously? I mean, I know kids get sick pretty dang quick but seriously? So, here we are again- day 2 of being home with sick kid. He's had a fever off and on for two days and no sign of infections... doctor says he's fine. I think kickball is going to be Breckin's Costco.
I kid you not- every weekend our family went to Costco when I was a kid and I HATED it. I reserve HATE for very few things and Costco was one of them. Senseless violence, child rapists, drunk drivers, and Costco. Now, I don't mind Costco now but my sister and I would come up with all sorts of reasons why we needed to stay home from Costco. Tummy aches only worked for a few weeks so we switched to headaches, fevers, ear aches, gangren, tooth infections, bunions, broken bones (didn't even work one time), and hallucinations. I will tell you this- half way through a particularly horrendous Costco experience (no good samples and new tools AND golf clubs out on the floor- we were there seriously about three hours)- my sister started complaining about chills, shakes, head aches, and a sore throat. I even thought she was overdoing it but gave her a thumbs up when Mom wasn't looking. She was really laying it on thick and Mom almost bought it- but no, we still had to endure the new books, bad jeans, and giant boxes of the same flavor fruit snacks. Well, sure enough- we get home and my poor sister is COVERED in red spots. Yep, chicken pox. Mom felt sooooo bad for not believing her that we got to skip Costco for the next month. Go Heidi!!!
Anyway, so if my kickball games become Breckin's source of angst and pseudo-illnesses, I'm going to be upset. I love our new kickball team and finally associate group sports with fun! Hang in there, buddy- at least we don't make you go to Costco.
I kid you not- every weekend our family went to Costco when I was a kid and I HATED it. I reserve HATE for very few things and Costco was one of them. Senseless violence, child rapists, drunk drivers, and Costco. Now, I don't mind Costco now but my sister and I would come up with all sorts of reasons why we needed to stay home from Costco. Tummy aches only worked for a few weeks so we switched to headaches, fevers, ear aches, gangren, tooth infections, bunions, broken bones (didn't even work one time), and hallucinations. I will tell you this- half way through a particularly horrendous Costco experience (no good samples and new tools AND golf clubs out on the floor- we were there seriously about three hours)- my sister started complaining about chills, shakes, head aches, and a sore throat. I even thought she was overdoing it but gave her a thumbs up when Mom wasn't looking. She was really laying it on thick and Mom almost bought it- but no, we still had to endure the new books, bad jeans, and giant boxes of the same flavor fruit snacks. Well, sure enough- we get home and my poor sister is COVERED in red spots. Yep, chicken pox. Mom felt sooooo bad for not believing her that we got to skip Costco for the next month. Go Heidi!!!
Anyway, so if my kickball games become Breckin's source of angst and pseudo-illnesses, I'm going to be upset. I love our new kickball team and finally associate group sports with fun! Hang in there, buddy- at least we don't make you go to Costco.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Over the mountain and through the desert...
To Granny's house we went. Well, we got back from Granny's house in Yakima yesterday (where we completely forgot the camera) and we are all home sick today. Go figure. We literally walked in the door at 11:30 and had to be at Lake Wilderness Park at noon for our Co-Ed Adult Kickball Jamboree. We made it but fortunately the ref and the guy that drew the lines were running late, too. Kickball rocks!!! Dustin made a sweet double play at first base and I covered home plate as catcher. We got our butts kicked two games in a row but we had a lot of fun doing it. Go !Hey That's My Bike!
So, Granny's was pretty low key- the mandatory lunch at Miners, watched a ton of movies, sat around and played.... Not much to do but somehow we always come home exhausted. And sick. Hopefully the Pullman trip goes better.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Baba!!
Happy Birthday Baba! If you know Holly's dad, tell him happy birthday today!!! Also, we found out our due date- November 21st. No pics yet- James Dean went to bed just fine but so did Mommy- right on the couch. Maybe tonight...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My little man
Here's two classic Breckin moves in the last two days.
Hilarious Moment #1:
So, Breckin's really into airplanes, trains, things with wheels and big noises. Lately, airplanes are leading the pack. He has a brown, leather bomber jacket that he got when he was born that is sadly getting too small.... He also has a killer pair of blue Chuck Taylors that he is just now starting to love.
Anyway, we head off to school yesterday (or was it Monday) and as we pull into the driveway of school, he says "Mommy, let's turn around. I don't want to go to school today." Me: "Too late, buddy. We're here and I heard you're going to have a fun day. Look, there's Austin (kid in his class) waving at you in the window. He's excited you're here." We walk in, he goes right to the book shelf, leans one arm on the top of the shelf, crosses one leg in front of the other- totally looks like a miniature James Dean- and says, "Mom (he only calls me that when he's trying to pull a fast one), this place is boring."
Well, look who got too cool for school. Funny how that boring school sucked him right into the train track play station and had him rolling on the floor laughing with the other kids about 10 nanoseconds later.... What a faker.
Hilarious Moment #2:
Last night as I'm trying to tuck Breckin into bed and convincing him for the 43rd time that it's better for him to sleep in his bed than the couch or my bed, he gets squirrelier by the second. He's pushing the covers down as fast as I'm trying to sneak them up while handing him books or tools (his favorite bedtime pals). He finally looks at me and says "Mommy, I'm allergic to tucking in." WHAT??? I'm totally blaming Dustin for that one. I'm pretty sure I've heard him say he's allergic to vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, and doing dishes.
And so what happened to the boy who was allergic to being tucked in, you might ask? Yeah, Mommy and Breckin fell asleep on Mommy's bed around 9:30. I'm such a sucker.
I have to say, the pressure of having to add pictures has totally been lifted. I have a bunch of good ones and if I can get little James Dean to get over being tucked in, I might get them posted tonight.
Hilarious Moment #1:
So, Breckin's really into airplanes, trains, things with wheels and big noises. Lately, airplanes are leading the pack. He has a brown, leather bomber jacket that he got when he was born that is sadly getting too small.... He also has a killer pair of blue Chuck Taylors that he is just now starting to love.
Anyway, we head off to school yesterday (or was it Monday) and as we pull into the driveway of school, he says "Mommy, let's turn around. I don't want to go to school today." Me: "Too late, buddy. We're here and I heard you're going to have a fun day. Look, there's Austin (kid in his class) waving at you in the window. He's excited you're here." We walk in, he goes right to the book shelf, leans one arm on the top of the shelf, crosses one leg in front of the other- totally looks like a miniature James Dean- and says, "Mom (he only calls me that when he's trying to pull a fast one), this place is boring."
Well, look who got too cool for school. Funny how that boring school sucked him right into the train track play station and had him rolling on the floor laughing with the other kids about 10 nanoseconds later.... What a faker.
Hilarious Moment #2:
Last night as I'm trying to tuck Breckin into bed and convincing him for the 43rd time that it's better for him to sleep in his bed than the couch or my bed, he gets squirrelier by the second. He's pushing the covers down as fast as I'm trying to sneak them up while handing him books or tools (his favorite bedtime pals). He finally looks at me and says "Mommy, I'm allergic to tucking in." WHAT??? I'm totally blaming Dustin for that one. I'm pretty sure I've heard him say he's allergic to vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, and doing dishes.
And so what happened to the boy who was allergic to being tucked in, you might ask? Yeah, Mommy and Breckin fell asleep on Mommy's bed around 9:30. I'm such a sucker.
I have to say, the pressure of having to add pictures has totally been lifted. I have a bunch of good ones and if I can get little James Dean to get over being tucked in, I might get them posted tonight.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My personal debate
Here's what I'm thinkin. I clearly don't have time to update one child's blog let alone two. Then, I'd have to rename the first blog to include the second child but couldn't really call it something until we had a name and we won't have that figured out for a long time. So, I'm taking over. Now it's Mommy's blog. Sorry, Breckin. I'd like to share some thoughts about Dustin, Breckin, my growing belly, and the stuff we do from week to week (I know better than to say day to day...). Sure, Breckin may post stuff on here and there's a handy little link on the side so you can still go see his- although it won't be updated beyond today. And, now, Dustin can post stuff, too since he did our original website. How's that?
P.S. I'm currently taking suggestions for how to get rid of the sickness that goes along with this belly. It's not unmanageable but when it hits, I despise it.
P.S. I'm currently taking suggestions for how to get rid of the sickness that goes along with this belly. It's not unmanageable but when it hits, I despise it.
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