I can't believe I didn't post on May 11th. My mind has been swimming with the fact that I have a 5 year old. We've signed up for kindergarten. We've cruised through all the early years stuff: first teeth, first steps, first words, potty training, sleeping through the night. He told Daddy he doesn't need to be carried up to bed anymore cause now he's 5. He doesn't need a toy when he's tucked in cause he's 5. Soon he'll get a loose tooth and I'll cringe and send him to a neighbor cause I HATE loose teeth. He prefers to walk into preschool by himself rather than with me. He dresses and undresses himself. He is reading. Yep, like seeing words on signs and posters and sounding out the letters and reading. He can hear Dustin and I spell stuff and knows what we are talking about. (That game plan is out the window) So, in honor of my little baby boy getting too big for little kid stuff, here's one of my favorite pics. He was about 18 mos old and eating spaghetti. This expression sums him up nicely. Happy 5th Birthday, Buddy. We love you.
Happy Birthday Breckin!