Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mmmmm. Food. (And, a funny conversation)

Although I don't do it as often as I'd like, I really enjoy cooking.  Last night, I made one of my absolute favorite recipes.  It's a Thai Chicken Salad with naan or nann or non or whatever the hell that Indian bread is called.  The salad hails from my much-loved, well-worn, tomato-sauce-splattered cookbooks:  Biggest Loser Family Cookbook.  It requires a lot of chopping and several different measuring spoons (which I can NEVER find cause Breckin thinks they are great as drum sticks/bath tub toys/hot wheel launchers) but you know what?  I'm finding that most mouthwatering recipes are the ones that involve a long grocery list and lots of chopping. 

I'm currently- like just spilled some cilantro on my keyboard- eating the left-overs of this salad and DAMN it's good.  Here's the ingredients:  Ground chicken, EVOO ::Holla Coeur d'A Olive Oil Company!:: , mint, cilantro, honey, garlic, ginger, chili powder, pepper, carrots, onions, cashews, and lettuce.  Combine them in various stages to make a dressing/cooking sauce, bowl o' salad, and hot, ground chicken.  I can't tell you the exact directions cause a) that would violate something and b) I don't have it right now.  A big, huge portion that I can't usually finish is 300 cals.  Yum diddly dum. 

Trust me, it's good.  If you only have room for one more cookbook on your shelf, seriously, go get one of the Biggest Loser books.  Their food is phenom and they really are pretty easy to make.  I pull about three meals a week from those suckers and they are good every.single.time.  For reals.  Tell me when you're coming over and I'll cook you some.  I heart dinner parties and any reason to cook something healthy and delish.  Let's make it a date.  You + The Armstrongs = Dinner time fun. 

Oh, ok.  I promised a conversation, too.  Here's the latest Words from the Mouths of Babes.

Breckin:  Mommy, guess what?  Chase I'll insert a vague name to protect the guilty Charlie's mom, Coach Julie Janie, let him drink lum.

Me:  Lum?  You mean rum?

Breckin:  No.  Llllll um (heavy accent on the L to show me he knows exactly what he's talking about).

Me:  What's lum?

Breckin:  You know, the stuff that pirates hide on deserted islands in treasure boxes.

(wait, when did Breckin see Pirates of the Carribean?  Cause I sure as hell didn't show him.)

Me:  Oh.  That's not really a kid's drink.  You won't be trying lum.

Breckin:  I know.  He said it tastes like the sink pipes.

Alright.  Who can identify the major problem here?  The fact that a 5 year old tried lum?  The fact that he tattled on his mommy to his friends at school and now the whole PTA probably knows?  The fact that my child knows that pirates hide lum on islands?  No.  The fact that the kid related LUM to the SINK PIPES.  Why, on God's green Earth, does a 5 year old know what the sink pipes taste like?  Nevermind.  I don't want to know.

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