Anyway, 4th of July. The explosion factor was at a x2 around here cause now we have quite possibly the coolest neighbor on the planet. He rigged up some pvc pipe, yellow cord, 2x4s, something that plugs into his truck, and 2-liter soda bottles to blow up. With no fire or harmful chemicals. It's kid friendly and mom approved. And, the grown-up boys got a kick out of it, too. So what if Dustin had to drink an entire 2L of Sprite for breakfast. Don't challenge him or he'll do it. He has a minor in chugging- he went to WSU, remember?
So, Breckin got his fulfillment of exploding stuff- pop bottles, smoke bombs, something that crackled and popped, parachutes, water balloons, and covering his ears when it was Daddy's turn.
Oh, sorry about your face, Derek. Let's try that again.
Ok, everyone look out.
Blast off.
The trouble is, you never knew which way they were going to fly.
So, we had pop bottles everywhere. At one point, Derek had to climb on our roof with a broom to get one down. All in the name of exlpoding stuff. Cool. Then, the bigger boys had their fun. They didn't just take out soda bottles. They took out 4 cantaloupe, 2 black buckets, 2 orange buckets (or was it more?), a stuffed doggie, and my poor old sauce pan from Ikea. They only blew one minor hole in a piece of plywood and Bobby almost caught the pan on it's way down. Good times. Happy 4th.
There's a bunch more pics- including some from The Plan Time at our home in the evenings and fun in a kiddie pool last Thursday when it hit 95 degrees and humid- over there on the right. Click on The Photos. It's worth it.
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