- Things that shouldn't be missing are missing.
- My memory is at it's worst cause I've been stressed all week.
- My throat hurts and I've developed a cough.
- I am not sleeping well- waking up at 1:30, 2:30, 3:15, 4:45, and just getting up at 6:00 cause I'm sick of it.
- I didn't have time for breakfast today.
- Our horrendously old software system at work decided to fall apart on me- when I really don't want it to cause we have one day this pay period that needs holiday pay and requires a bucket load of work anyway.
- Ella needs a 3rd meal now so that involves more of my time in the a.m. when I'm already squashed for time.
- I got a yams stain on my fav pair of khaki work capris.
- I have a mosquito bite on my right cheek. Not the one on my face.
- Breckin is at a summer camp carnival today and I don't think he's going to get enough shade or rest so I'm going to end up with a sunburned, exhausted kid tonight and it's not fair to him to put him in that situation.
- I am irrationally upset with the kids at his school who are allergic to peanuts cause we had to pack an unspoilable lunch that doesn't include pb&j. Even though they aren't eating inside and the chance that his pb&j sandwich would have ended up near an allergic kid has worse odds than the Cougs winning the NCAA title.
I want a do-over. A rewind button. Fridays are supposed to be so great and mine is not. I want a refund. I hope tonight gets better than this morning. There must be a light at the end of this tunnel. I'm usually a glass half full person and when I'm not, it's because I'm intentionally playing devil's advocate to think of what could happen and if I can avoid bad situations. Today is not either of those days. It's a rare glass half empty day. And, if that glass could just be half empty of Pinot Grigio, I would change my perspective. Cheers.
I hear they have these things called an Easy Button...I'm not sure where to get them and I think they're a myth but maybe you'll find one in a blender with some tequila and margarita mix!